TeaLa and Torrance city

March 13th-14th 2023

After nearly four months of joint efforts with Torrance city and Tainan city government, TeaLa facilitated the signing of the International Friendship City Agreement between Torrance city and Tainan city government through the leadership of TeaLA Executive Director Ming-fen Yeh.

Signing of an international friendship city agreement between Tainan City and Torrance City.

Vice Chairman Louis Chen invited Mayor George Chen of Torrance City to visit Taiwan. Under the leadership of CEO Edison Chen and with the assistance of Secretary-General Allen Zheng, a series of visits to Taiwanese companies and universities were arranged, perfectly embodying the spirit of TeaLa's combination of industry, government, and academia.

Visiting the Taiwan Car Lab.
Visiting the Southern Taiwan Science Park Bureau.

TeaLa proceeded to arrange an industry exchange meeting, inviting companies interested in advancing to the United States to give company presentations, and to have dinner with the mayor in the evening.
We hope that TeaLa can assist all the advanced companies in linking up with the United States as well as gaining their support, allowing the association to continue to fight for everyone!
