2023 TeaLa Spring Forum

April 18, 2023, Provided by the Taiwan global Eastbound Association of Launching American:

The Taiwan global Eastbound Association of Launching American (TeaLa) hosted the Spring Forward Forum in collaboration with the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, KPMG Taiwan, Taiwan Thinktank, Digital Governance Association, and the ESG World Citizens & Digital Governance Foundation. The forum, titled "Global Economic and Trade Trends and International Connectivity," was held at the the International Conference Hall of the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, focusing on in-depth discussions on three major topics: "Global Economic and Trade Trends - Prospects for Taiwan's Future," "Taiwan's Economic and Trade New Trends from a Diplomatic Perspective," and "Biden's New Policies and Practical Implementation in the United States."

The forum began with a welcome speech by Mr. J.W. Kuo, Chairman of TeaLa, representing the association. Mr. Kuo expressed the association's expectation of joint efforts by its members during the golden decade of Taiwan-U.S. relations to create new global value for Taiwan, promote industrial upgrading, internationalize society, achieve benefits for all, and foster a win-win ecosystem among Taiwan, the United States, Japan, and the New Southbound countries.

The opening remarks were honored by the presence of Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsang of the Executive Yuan, who sent a congratulatory message, and Chairman Cao Tian-wang of the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, who delivered a speech at the forum.

Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsang expressed his hope that through TeaLa as a platform for communication and integration, Taiwan's various industries' core values can be constructed, global economic and trade layout can be strengthened, a distinctive international supply chain and industrial chain model with Taiwanese characteristics can be established, a new type of industrial cooperation in the global value chain can be created, and new business opportunities can be connected worldwide.

Chairman Cao Tian-wang of the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research stated that Taiwan is bound to internationalize, and it is only through internationalization that the threat of geopolitics can be reduced. As one of Taiwan's largest economic think tanks, the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research outlined its vision for the future, hoping to gather collective wisdom and consensus among participants to explore new directions for Taiwan's future status.

The keynote lecture was delivered by Vice Minister Chern-Chyi "C.C." Chen of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, who shared insights on internationalization from a macro perspective. Vice Minister Chen stated that the pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to the economy, resulting in the transfer of global supply chains and the advent of a resilient supply chain era. Apart from the pandemic, there are four major factors driving supply chain reconfiguration, including disruptive innovation, geopolitical impact, rising factor costs, and critical supply chain autonomy. Therefore, Taiwanese industries need to accelerate the diversification of their distribution, and Taiwanese businesses' investment relocation to the United States, Europe, and ASEAN will drive a significant increase in exports to markets outside China, highlighting the importance of Taiwan's economic development and external connections.

Subsequently, Deputy Minister Lee Roy Chun of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took the stage, discussing opening new diplomatic paths through Taiwan's economic and trade trends, highlighting the challenges and priorities of Taiwan's diplomatic work, the watershed of the world's economic and trade order, and the significance and contribution of economic and trade diplomacy. Deputy Minister Lee stated that Taiwan's diplomacy needs to strengthen its own economic strength and cooperate with like-minded democratic countries. Taiwan's role in international relations is currently crucial and highly valued, coupled with Taiwan's recognized technological prowess. It is expected that a new global economic and trade order.

Finally, Mr. Weng Shi-jie, Executive Consultant at KPMG Taiwan, discussed the Biden administration's new policies and their implementation in the United States from an industry perspective. He started by discussing the new regulatory policies of the Biden administration and the incentive measures introduced by state governments in the United States. He then discussed the common types of corporate organizations in the United States and concluded by highlighting legal considerations and impacts for operating a company in the United States. Mr. Weng Shi-jie provided recommendations to companies intending to invest in the United States to mitigate legal risks. He suggested conducting a comprehensive risk assessment and on-site due diligence on target assets or joint venture partners in the early stages. He also emphasized the importance of paying early attention to public and political relationships and implementing robust compliance plans and internal and external contractual mechanisms before and after investment.

Following the first forum, "Investment Strategies and Recommendations for Enterprises in the United States," Mr. Louis Chen, Deputy Director of TeaLa, served as the moderator. The panelists included Mr. Tristan YJ. Liu, CEO of a Taiwanese think tank, Ms. Betsy Xie , Deputy Director of the Commercial Section at the American Institute in Taiwan, Ms. Jacquelin Fu, Director of K&L Gates LLP, Mr. Felix Yan, President of the Association of State Offices in Taiwan, and Mr. David Chen, Deputy Director of Business Development at Nasdaq Greater China.

This topic revolves around investment strategies and recommendations for companies interested in investing in the United States. With the recent increase in interactions between Taiwan and the United States, as well as positive momentum and progress in international economic and trade negotiations, there are promising prospects for companies. The United States, being one of the world's largest economies, presents substantial market potential and business opportunities. Nevertheless, companies need to exercise caution and conduct thorough evaluations while formulating their investment strategies.

TeaLa aims to assist various organizations in effectively utilizing strategic resources, forming a proven fleet, and establishing Taiwan's distinctive international supply chain and industrial chain models. It aims to strengthen Taiwan-U.S. strategic partnerships in terms of trade, capital, technology, and talent, and to create a new form of global value chain industrial cooperation. The association hopes to help connect advanced enterprises with the United States and seeks support from participants. We welcome everyone to join TeaLa and move forward together towards the United States.

The Taiwan global Eastbound Association of Launching American (TeaLa) warmly invites all advanced parties to actively participate in future activities and forums.
