Digital Talent RISE Forum

On the afternoon of June 13, TeaLa was represented by CEO Edison Chen at the "Digital Talent RISE Forum" organized by the Admission for Digital Industries, Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA). The forum was honored by the presence of Minister Audrey Tang Feng, the Minister of Digital Development, and featured speakers such as Director General Jang-Hwa Leu of the Admission for Digital Industries, Chairman Xu-Hong Huang of Sunnet Technology Co., Ltd., CEO Edison Chen of TeaLa, Chairwoman Yvonne Chiu of the GDDA (Global Digital Delivery Alliance), Director Yu-Cheng Chang of the Institute for Information Industry, and CEO Yi-Jun Zhou of the Industrial Technology Research Institute. The event brought together representatives from industry, government, academia, and research, with nearly a hundred distinguished guests participating in discussions to collectively promote the development and cultivation of digital talent.

Minister Audrey Tang Feng delivered an inspiring speech emphasizing the crucial role of talent in enterprises and highlighting the significance of digital talent in the digital transformation of industries and society.

CEO Edison Chen, representing TeaLa, shared insights on Taiwan's talent gap from an international perspective. He suggested that Taiwan should adjust its salary structure to attract international talent and build a more comprehensive digital ecosystem, strengthening the foundation of the industry. CEO Chen emphasized the importance of incorporating diverse digital talents beyond coding engineers and recommended the establishment of innovative programs in resilient supply chain disciplines, fostering hardware and software integration, and planning for large-scale system architecture. Furthermore, he emphasized the need for corresponding policies and regulations to adapt to future digital work models.

CEO Xu-Hong Huang of Sunnet Technology Co., Ltd., discussed the international trends in digital talent development in the new AI era from an industry perspective. With the advent of the AI era, how Taiwan develops AI talent has become a critical success factor for enterprises. Therefore, it is important to provide more opportunities for AI talent development to benefit more Taiwanese companies and promote Taiwan's digital strength to align with the international community.
"Taiwan should become a training ground for talent in Southeast Asia, attracting more talent to Taiwan, thus stimulating Taiwan's overall digital competitiveness. We look forward to working with a future smart Taiwan." Stated CEO Huang.

Chairwoman Yvonne Chiu of the GDDA (Global Digital Delivery Alliance) shared her experiences in overseas exchanges: "Given the current international situation in Taiwan, it is crucial for digital industry collaboration and talent development to keep pace with international trends. Nurturing young talent can be achieved through incentives such as awards, encouraging students to engage internationally, fostering profound experiences, and building international networks."

The forum focused on "Digital Talent Development." Director General Jang-Hwa Leu of the Admission for Digital Industries, Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) shared policies for cultivating digital industry talents and presented insights on global digital transformation. He highlighted the key role of talent development in industrial growth and discussed the current state and future strategies of Taiwan's digital industry.

In conclusion, the importance of talent cultivation in Taiwan's industrial sector continues to grow. Members and partners of TeaLa are encouraged to reach out to the Secretariat for any inquiries related to talent development, cultivation, and international connections. The goal is to collectively strive towards a new direction and expand Taiwan's influence worldwide.
