New Eastbound Alliance Attracts Vietnamese Research Talent Across Borders, Supporting Taiwan's Tech Industry Internationalization

A commemorative photo with Dr. Chen Ho-Hsien of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Ho Chi Minh City

In an era of rapid advancements in digital technology and intensified global competition, talent has become the most critical resource among nations. As countries worldwide grapple with a shortage of exceptional talent, Taiwan aims to leverage its advantages and create a more conducive environment to attract outstanding individuals from around the world. This initiative also seeks to assist Taiwan's key industries in their international expansion. Given the high level of interdependence between Taiwan and the United States in terms of economics and trade, and the close relationships between government, industry, academia, and research institutions, both nations can collaborate to address the talent gap by expanding connections between Taiwan, the United States, and higher education institutions in Southeast Asia, thus jointly fostering the growth of high-caliber technological and business talents.

Taiwan has been facing an increasing talent shortage in recent years. The New Eastbound Alliance (TeaLa) is dedicated to cultivating top-tier talent. In this endeavor, Dr. Chen Song-Guang, Chairman of the Global Taiwanese Alumni Association of the University of Michigan and founder of the A1 Smart Factory Alliance, along with semiconductor-related companies, conducted a joint visit to seven Vietnamese universities for preliminary assessments. These universities include Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE), Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Science (VNU-HCMUS), Ho Chi Minh City University of Information Technology (VNU-UIT), Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (VNU-HCMUT), Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH), Van Lang University (VLU), and VNU University of Engineering and Technology (VNU-UET).

A commemorative photo at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE)

Vietnam has been actively involved in the semiconductor industry's development, with a focus on IC design. Plans are underway to nurture thousands of high-quality IC design talents within the next five years, concentrating on packaging and testing in the northern region and IC design in Ho Chi Minh City in the south. TeaLa's semiconductor talent development program has garnered significant interest among Vietnamese universities during this pivotal stage of development. This program not only encourages collaboration among universities but also serves as a robust bridge between academia and industry. TeaLa actively invites companies interested in talent development to participate in the program, ensuring its smooth execution with their support. Professor SON of VNU-UIT also mentioned plans to incorporate these ideas into Vietnam's national agenda to secure full government backing.

A commemorative photo with Dr. Sun of the Ho Chi Minh city University of Information Technology (VNU-UIT)

Simultaneously, we anticipate collaboration between Vietnamese universities and TeaLa to guide Vietnamese students toward higher levels of achievement. The Industrial University under the National University in Hanoi is enthusiastic about inviting top-tier universities to join the Semico University program proposed by the New Eastbound Alliance (TeaLa). Through an industry-led approach, this program will steer Vietnamese students into the semiconductor industry, allowing them to bring tangible value to companies. We firmly believe that such collaboration will result in a win-win situation for both industries.

In the future, we will engage in in-depth discussions with Taiwanese businesses and universities to clarify implementation details and formally sign Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs). We are committed to ensuring the success of this initiative, attracting outstanding Vietnamese talent to study in Taiwan and contribute to Taiwanese enterprises. Additionally, this initiative will invigorate Vietnam's semiconductor industry.

Taiwan's higher education quality has garnered acclaim in Asia, particularly in digital technology, biomedicine, agriculture, and Mandarin Chinese studies. Many international students come to Taiwan for their education. Taiwan's unique position as an East Asian hub, coupled with its friendly, convenient, and safe learning environment, will serve as a platform for international education connecting Southeast Asian countries to Europe and the United States. This provides an opportunity to promote more cross-border academic research, elevating Taiwan's global standing in higher education. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Global Taiwanese Alumni Association of the University of Michigan for their assistance in making this visit to Vietnam successful. If companies are interested in nurturing top-tier talent, please feel free to contact the New Eastbound Alliance (TeaLa) to discuss and provide your valuable input. Through collaboration, we can jointly address the talent shortage issue and cultivate more exceptional talent for the industry.

A commemorative photo at the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH)."