TeaLa X Administration for Digital Industries, moda

February 1st 2023

On February 1st, 2023, TeaLa, represented by Vice Chairman Louis Chen, CEO Edison Chen, and Secretary General Allen Zheng, together with representatives from the digital industry, visited the Administration for Digital Industries, moda. It was an honor to have a pleasant and successful cooperation discussion with Director-General Jang-Hwa Leu and the team of the Administration for Digital Industries.

During the meeting, both sides reached a consensus on cooperation and agreed to establish a stable strategic partnership. In the future, the two parties will jointly hold digital talent seminars to cultivate international digital talent and promote international exchanges through mutual support and cooperation. It is hoped that through this cooperation, the government and private sector can complement each other and promote the internationalization and digital transformation of Taiwan's industry.

Through this successful cooperation between the government and the private sector, both parties will work together to promote specific cooperation projects and announce them soon. We look forward to the active participation and support of our partners in TeaLa!
